Reiki is an integrative therapy, discovered by Mikao Usui in Japan, which provides physical and mental benefits. Check out the main benefits of Reiki: Decreases stress and anxiety Reiki is an excellent ally in the treatment of anxiety, as …
Learn more about this procedure that works to repair muscle tissue. Muscle pain is very common among athletes and can be a result of factors such as overtraining or lack of stretching, among others. Therefore, several specific techniques and methodologies …
Reflexology is an ancient oriental massage technique that is increasingly sought after all over the world. It has no contraindications and can be applied to people of all ages. It is considered a complementary therapy, effective in disease prevention and …
The sauna consists of being closed for some time in a reduced space and in a dry atmosphere that can reach very high temperatures (over 70º). The act of making a sauna consists of a sweating technique and is usually …