AlgoAzul Spa

AlgoAzul Spa is a company that provides services in the area of Aesthetics and Wellness, with the social object of aesthetics, massage and professional training in these areas.
We take care of you
We take care of you
AlgoAzul SPA
The Spa is oriented towards well-being and relaxation, we have a dynamic heated swimming pool, a humid area with direct access to the sauna and Turkish bath, our treatment rooms induce pure relaxation.
Our guests can enjoy tea during the visit, as well as relaxing moments by the pool.
The therapies chosen for this space are diverse, from classic massages, wellness treatments, such as therapeutic marine wraps and aesthetic treatments.

Our philosophy is to create unpretentious environments, where well-being and harmony can be our only claim.
We wish to encourage those who visit us to enjoy and experience the present, in the spaces we dedicate to well-being, holistic therapies, aesthetic treatments and manual therapies, aware of the intersection between mind, body and spirit.